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Download StockPlan

Please read the following then use the link below to request a Download Email.

IMPORTANT WARNING - Some processes in StockPlan post information into Exchequer (e.g. Purchase Orders, Stock Adjustments, etc) and so whilst running StockPlan you may be effecting your Exchequer data. Obviously if you are running StockPlan live and have everything all setup this will be what you need, however if you are just trialling StockPlan you may well not want this! If you are trialling StockPlan we strongly recommend you only run StockPlan with a test copy of your live Exchequer data. If you already have a 'Test' Exchequer Company setup then when you run StockPlan just ensure you select your 'Test' Exchequer company from the StockPlan multi-company manager. If you do not have a Test Exchequer company setup then you will need make a copy a of your live Exchequer Data from within Exchequer, there are features on the Exchequer Installation CD for you to do this. If you are unsure please contact your Exchequer Reseller for assistance. Once you have your new 'Test' Exchequer Company setup and appearing in the Exchequer Multi Company Manager it will automatically appear in StockPlan.

To download the trial please click the link below which will send an email to us, an email will then be sent back to you within a few minutes containing a link to download the trial. 

Click Here To Request The Download Email

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